最近帮助院系使用MRBS(Meeting Room Booking System)搭建了一个简单的会议室预约系统,并配置了Apereo CAS登陆。



  1. https://sourceforge.net/projects/mrbs/files/ 下载MRBS,同时,需要保证机器上已经安装了nginx, mysql/mariadb, fcgiwrap , php-fpm, php-xmlphp-curl

  2. 解压MRBS的压缩包。在本文中,MRBS被安装在了/var/www/mrbs/中。

  3. 创建数据库,根据官方文档,需要在MySQL中创建MRBS有关的数据表(PostgreSQL的情况类似,见文档):

    mysqladmin create mrbs
    mysql mrbs < tables.my.sql
  4. 修改web文件夹中的配置文件config.inc.php

    <?php // -*-mode: PHP; coding:utf-8;-*-
    namespace CCSE;
     *   MRBS Configuration File
     *   Configure this file for your site.
     *   You shouldn't have to modify anything outside this file.
     *   This file has already been populated with the minimum set of configuration
     *   variables that you will need to change to get your system up and running.
     *   If you want to change any of the other settings in systemdefaults.inc.php
     *   or areadefaults.inc.php, then copy the relevant lines into this file
     *   and edit them here.   This file will override the default settings and
     *   when you upgrade to a new version of MRBS the config file is preserved.
     *   NOTE: if you include or require other files from this file, for example
     *   to store your database details in a separate location, then you should
     *   use an absolute and not a relative pathname.
     * Timezone
    // The timezone your meeting rooms run in. It is especially important
    // to set this if you're using PHP 5 on Linux. In this configuration
    // if you don't, meetings in a different DST than you are currently
    // in are offset by the DST offset incorrectly.
    // Note that timezones can be set on a per-area basis, so strictly speaking this
    // setting should be in areadefaults.inc.php, but as it is so important to set
    // the right timezone it is included here.
    // When upgrading an existing installation, this should be set to the
    // timezone the web server runs in.  See the INSTALL document for more information.
    // A list of valid timezones can be found at http://php.net/manual/timezones.php
    // The following line must be uncommented by removing the '//' at the beginning
    $timezone = "Asia/Shanghai";
     * Database settings
    // Which database system: "pgsql"=PostgreSQL, "mysql"=MySQL
    $dbsys = "mysql";
    // Hostname of database server. For pgsql, can use "" instead of localhost
    // to use Unix Domain Sockets instead of TCP/IP. For mysql "localhost"
    // tells the system to use Unix Domain Sockets, and $db_port will be ignored;
    // if you want to force TCP connection you can use "".
    $db_host = "localhost";
    // If you need to use a non standard port for the database connection you
    // can uncomment the following line and specify the port number
    $db_port = 3306;
    // Database name:
    $db_database = "mrbs";
    // Schema name.  This only applies to PostgreSQL and is only necessary if you have more
    // than one schema in your database and also you are using the same MRBS table names in
    // multiple schemas.
    //$db_schema = "public";
    // Database login user name:
    $db_login = "username";
    // Database login password:
    $db_password = 'password';
    // Prefix for table names.  This will allow multiple installations where only
    // one database is available
    $db_tbl_prefix = "mrbs_";
    // Set $db_persist to TRUE to use PHP persistent (pooled) database connections.  Note
    // that persistent connections are not recommended unless your system suffers significant
    // performance problems without them.   They can cause problems with transactions and
    // locks (see http://php.net/manual/en/features.persistent-connections.php) and although
    // MRBS tries to avoid those problems, it is generally better not to use persistent
    // connections if you can.
    $db_persist = FALSE;
  5. 配置nginx

    server {
      listen 443 ssl http2;
      server_name mrbs.website.edu;
      root           /var/www/mrbs/web;
      index index.php
      access_log /var/log/nginx/mrbs-access.log;
      error_log /var/log/nginx/mrbs-error.log;
      ssl_certificate     cert.pem;
      ssl_certificate_key key.pem;
      location ~* \.php$ {
        fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock;
        include         fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_FILENAME    $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
        fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_NAME        $fastcgi_script_name;


chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mrbs/





$auth['session'] = 'cas';
$auth["type"] = "cas";
//$auth['cas']['debug'] = true;

$auth["admin"][] = "admin-username";


$auth['cas']['port']= 443;
//这里的路径是Apereo CAS的通用路径,每个机构可能会不一样。





