Graduation Trip Under the ‘Dynamic Zero-COVID Policy’ - Qinghai-Gansu Grand Tour The initial idea for my graduation trip came about at the end of 2021. Back then, the plan was to visit Shanghai and the surrounding areas of Zhejiang. However, with the lockdown in Shanghai and the tightening of restrictions in various regions, by April-May 2022, most cities were requiring individuals to quarantine in place if there was even a single confirmed COVID-19 case in their district. We once thought our graduation trip might be ruined. However, with the “Nine Prohibitions” policy introduced by the State Council in June (specifically, the two prohibitions that impacted our trip were: “Do not arbitrarily expand the scope of travel restrictions from medium- and high-risk areas to other areas” and “Do not impose mandatory dissuasion, isolation, or other restrictive measures on people from low-risk areas”), entry policies in various regions were relaxed. So, we gradually finalized our plan to travel to Tibet in early June. However, with the emergence of new cases in Shenzhen around June 18th, to avoid unnecessary trouble, we ultimately opted to travel to Qinghai and Gansu, where the control policies were relatively loose at the time. With the release of the Ninth Edition of the Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol, which explicitly stated that “isolation of individuals entering from low-risk areas is not allowed,” we finally confirmed our graduation trip plan - a chartered car tour along the Qinghai-Gansu circuit.